Planning for Bright Futures: The Lasting Impact of Mike & Ginny

Mike & Ginny McBride are great friends of Life Navigators, and together, they are dedicated to creating a lasting impact in our community. Their granddaughter, Allison, was born with 5P Minus, a rare chromosome five deletion syndrome. Mike & Ginny have been connected to us for many years and enjoy attending our events with Allison. They were major supporters during our building expansion and were also celebrated as our 2018 Challenger Honorees.

They wanted to put a plan in place for their granddaughter, so they established a Life Navigators Trust to provide for Allison’s financial future and long-term needs. Mike & Ginny are so grateful for the peace of mind their Life Navigators Trust provides their family.

“We are getting a lot of comfort knowing Allison is going to be in great hands with Life Navigators involved.” – Mike, family member

In addition to including Life Navigators in their own Planned Giving, Mike & Ginny also thought of us and other kids and adults with disabilities by designating Life Navigators as a Remainder Beneficiary to Allison’s Trust. Their designation ensures that we can plan for the needs of individuals with disabilities for years to come.

Mike & Ginny not only thought of us and individuals with disabilities in their Planned Giving, but they continuously support our work throughout the year. They are members of our Impact Partners Circle of monthly donors and donate emergency need gift cards to ensure individuals with disabilities are safe, happy and healthy all year long. Their thoughtfulness will have a lasting impact to create bright futures.

Learn more about how your gifts sustain bright futures.

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