Creating New Skills And Friendships With Disability Education For Individuals With Disabilities.

Information and Assistance

Online Resource Guide

Search our Online Resource Guide for information on
over 300 community resources.

Telephone Helpline

Call our helpline at 414-774-6255,
Monday-Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to get answers to your disability services questions.

Sessions on Education for Disabilities & Community Training

Life Navigators provides presentations on topics that affect individuals with disabilities, their families, and the community. Are you interested in setting up a Life Navigators Disability Education Session? We are happy to do an individualized presentation at your school or community group function. You are also welcome to visit our events page for sessions on education for disabilities held at Life Navigators.

  • Disability Sensitivity
  • Independent Living
  • Voting
  • Standing Up for Yourself
  • Education and Transition Planning
  • Guardianship
  • Trust Program
  • Life Navigators Services
  • Customize a Presentation

Education for Disabilities And Transition Planning Program

Collaborating with high school students, their families and 16 Milwaukee area school districts.

Transition Planning

Provides assistance to students with the transition from high school to adult life in the community. Topics include long-term care, vocational training, residential, self-advocacy training and more.

Download our free 2024 Transition Resource Guide for an extensive list of community transition resources.

Futures Planning

Life Navigators offers a Trust Program on disability education to assist families in planning for the financial and service needs of a loved one with a disability now and for the future.

Education Advocacy

Program staff attend Individual Education Plan (IEP) meetings to advocate for students and resolve issues regarding their education and transition plan.

Questions regarding Life Navigators Services?

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