Providing Family Support for Kids and Adults with Immediate Needs.
Life Navigators offers crisis intervention to kids and adults with special needs. Through this program, families are connected to community resources and programs. Life Navigators also helps family caregivers by assisting them with a future care plan.
Crisis Intervention by Offering Family Support for Special Needs
We provide in-home support to individuals with special needs and their families to resolve critical issues impacting their ability to live safely and successfully in the community. Our program for providing family support for special needs people works to prepare individual address areas including residential, work, employment, recreation, and long-term support needs.

Intergenerational Family Services
Supporting Disability Family Caregivers
We work with disability family caregivers over the age of 60 to prepare a plan for the future of their loved ones who are living with a disability. This program provides peace of mind to families that their loved one will have the services and supports they need now and in the future.
Our monthly Coffee Connections group offers peer support for disability family caregivers aged 60 or older. It explores topics related to future planning and long-term care options. View our events page for the next meeting date.