An Affordable Option for Individuals and Families of All Ages
A trusted community partner for over 70 years, Life Navigators is one of two major special needs trust programs in Wisconsin.
What is a Special Needs Trust?
A trust is a legal entity that owns and manages assets for the benefit of an individual. In this case, the person benefiting has a disability. Unlike other trusts, a Life Navigators Trust does not negatively impact someone’s eligibility for public benefits.
Life Navigators – Offering Three Trust Options

Trust I
Established in 1988, is set up by families or other third parties to benefit a loved one with a developmental or related disability

Trust II
Established in 2011, is funded with assets that are entirely those of the individual with a disability

Trust III
Established in 2018, is funded with assets that are entirely those of the beneficiary
Why Choose a Life Navigators Trust
A Life Navigators Trust is designed to supplement and preserve available public benefit programs, promote comfort and happiness, and improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

Affordable Option for Individuals and Families
Compared to an individually drafted private trust, a Life Navigators Trust can meet the needs of individuals and families in a more affordable manner. With a Life Navigators Trust, even individuals with modest assets can fund the extras in life for years.
A Trusted Community Partner in Service Delivery
Currently, Life Navigators supports over 300 funded and unfunded trusts. Individuals and families come to Life Navigators because they trust the organization to support and monitor their loved one’s current and future needs.
Beneficiary Legal Fund
Life Navigators offers a Beneficiary Legal Fund to ensure additional individuals with disabilities can plan for their service and financial needs. The Beneficiary Legal Fund is available to cover the cost of legal fees to implement a Funded Trust I, II, or III with final assets at or below $100,000. Each Beneficiary can access up to $2,000. The funds can be paid directly to the trust account or to the attorney drafting the trust.
Offering Additional Comprehensive Services and Individualized Support
Since 1949, Life Navigators has been a leader in developing and providing information and education, self-advocacy and independence, guardianship, family support and long-term care services. Our experienced staff works to inform and connect individuals and their families to an array of services that meet their individualized needs.
Life Navigators Trust Committee
Life Navigators has an established trust committee to oversee the Trust Program. This committee reports to the board of directors and consists of leaders with experience and expertise in the areas of trusts, estate planning, financial planning and public benefits. The committee meets regularly with the Trustee to develop program goals, review operating guidelines and address issues that may impact beneficiaries.