Securing a Healthy, Safe, and Happy Guardianship for Individuals with Disabilities
When a person turns 18 years old, he or she is an adult and is presumed to be able to exercise his or her legal rights. Some individuals, however, need additional support to make informed decisions about their lives. They need to go through a legal process in which a person or corporation is appointed as their guardian.
Guardianship for individuals should be evaluated on an individual basis. Not every person with a disability needs a guardian. For those that do meet the criteria under Wisconsin State Statue Chapter 54, a guardian is necessary for decision-making, monitoring, advocacy and support.

Life Navigators Experience
In July of 1977, Life Navigators was licensed by the state of Wisconsin to provide Corporate Guardianship for individuals with disabilities. When an individual needs a guardian but does not have a parent, family member, or volunteer who can serve in this capacity, the court can appoint Life Navigators.
As Corporate Guardians for individuals with disabilities, Life Navigators:
- Assures that personal, civil and human rights of each individual are being served and protected.
- Encourages each individual to participate to the maximum extent of their abilities in decisions.
- Encourages each individual to act on their own behalf in matters in which they are able to do so.