Remembering Our Beloved Ginny
The passing of our longtime supporter Ginny McBride is such a loss of a dear friend to our organization. Connected to Life Navigators for many years, she formed caring relationships with many of our donors and consumers, filled with lasting memories. Ginny and her husband Mike were celebrated as our 2018 Challenger Honorees. Ginny was so special to us and the entire disability community.
After Ginny’s passing in October, donations poured in to honor her memory. These gifts are a true celebration of her commitment to all individuals with disabilities. Thanks to these memorial gifts, we will ensure the safe, happy and healthy lives for individuals with disabilities for years to come.

Creating a Lasting Impact for Individuals with Disabilities
Mike & Ginny’s granddaughter Allison was born with 5P Minus, a rare chromosome five deletion syndrome. Mike & Ginny enjoyed attending our events with Allison.
They wanted to put a plan in place for Allison, so they established a Life Navigators Trust to provide for her future and long-term needs.
Mike & Ginny also thought of other kids and adults with disabilities by designating Life Navigators as a Remainder Beneficiary to Allison’s Trust. Mike & Ginny’s thoughtfulness will have a lasting impact to create bright futures. Their designation ensures that we can plan for the needs of individuals with disabilities for years to come.