Thank you for supporting individuals with disabilities to live and work in our community.

Send a Gift
Mail a gift to:
Life Navigators
7203 West Center Street
Wauwatosa, WI 53210

You can support Life Navigators with in-kind gifts, including auction items for our special events, gift items for those we serve, or Target or Walmart gift cards to support our Emergency and Basic Need Items Fund. Another way to support is by donating through our MyRegistry or Amazon Wish List. All items donated this way will help support our consumers in times of need. Using a rewards card to donate through the Charity Gift Certificates program is another way to donate funds and items to help our consumers.

In Honor & Memorial Gifts
Make a tribute or memorial gift in honor of a friend or family member. By designating Life Navigators to receive memorial gifts, you will allow us to sustain bright futures. Read about the legacy of Frances and how her family wanted her memory to leave a lasting impact.